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The Hindu Katha Upanishad speaks of the divine spark as the Light of the Spirit that is connected in the secret high place of the heart. The divine spark abides in what the Sikh Sri Guru Granth Sahib speaks of as Sach Khand, the secret chamber of the heart. It is a spark of sacred fire that God has transmitted from his heart to yours. [7] That the Divine good itself might also be represented, it was commanded that there should be a perpetual fire on the altar:--. 6:12, 13). Divine timing may also come into play after you have met your twin flame. Our greatest value proposition is our quality orientation, timeliness, versatility and competitive pricing. Twin flame meetings are divinely orchestrated by the Universe. The Blue Flame is in the core of the very strength and energy. The understanding of the Self is the most important insight that any individual can have in life. The purpose of your soul's evolution on earth is to grow in self-mastery, balance your karma, fulfill your mission on earth and make your ascension in the Light. The violet flame is a high-frequency energy of forgiveness. Through attention to your spiritual path, the three figures in the Chartnow separate because of a limited consciousnesswill one day become one. 19:12); that He that sat upon the white horse is the Lord as to the Word, is there openly said (Rev. Keepers of the Flame vow to keep this flame of life burning on the altar of their hearts. The basic qualities of the Blue Flame are manifested through the energies of power, strength, faith and protection. When we are in tune with our spirituality and have a strong foundation of spiritual practice we are able to connect to our own divine guidance. 20:47); by fire and flame are signified the cupidities of evil and falsity, which extinguish all the good and truth of the church, whence comes its vastation. Again:--. The ascended master Saint Germain sponsors a universal spiritual order called the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity. All Rights Reserved. It is a very real spiritual flame about 1/16 of an inch, focused within the physical body approximately at the heart. You may be able to envision your twin flame and see some of the nuances of your fated meeting through the eyes of spirit. More than likely, it will happen when you are not even looking for it. Copyright 2020 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. (More on how to invoke the tube of light.). Copyright 2018 Twin Flame Connection: Sarah Adelle and Sophia Elise. - Twin Flame Connection, Twin Flame Recognition: How to Recognize Your Twin Flame, Telepathy Between Soulmates and Twin Flames, Surrendering to Your Soulmate or Twin Flame, Life Lessons in Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships. [4] Hence it is that when the Lord appeared in vision, He appeared as fire and Same, as in Ezekiel:--. The Sacred Name of God Is an Empowerment []. When we are waiting for something to happen, divine timing seems like an eternity. 1:13, 14); here also eyes as a flame of fire denotes the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord's Divine good. [8] That in the opposite sense fire and flame signify filthy loves, such as the loves of revenge, of cruelty, of hatred, of adultery, and in general the concupiscences which are from the loves of self and of the world, is evident also from many passages in the Word, of which it is enough to cite only the following: Behold they are become as stubble, the fire hath burned them; they rescue not their soul from the hand of the Same; no coal to warm at, or a fire to sit before (Isa. There is a place where relationships and personal (and spiritual) growth collide.

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