Visit the Provincial Offences Court contact page for more information. Challenge the ticket in court. The provincial government adds a victim fine surcharge (VFS) to every non-parking fine imposed under the Provincial Offences Act. Visit our Lost Traffic Ticket page to check whether you can look for it online. How can I find a Provincial Offences Court? For ticketable offences, the set fine amount is ordered by the Chief Judge or the Regional Senior Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice as an amount payable by the defendant instead of going to court to contest the charge. Court Services counters are open with select services available. The county might provide an online lost traffic ticket search option. Read and follow the instructions provided on back of the ticket. It does not cover every circumstance that might arise in your case. Guide to Appeals in Provincial Offences Cases. If a tree falls in the woods and nobody hears it, does it still make a sound? You are strongly urged to get legal advice from a lawyer or paralegal about your legal options. Once you find your speeding ticket information, determine how you will plea. Finding a lost speeding ticket isn't always easy. The total payable consists of the set fine, court costs and the victim fine surcharge. As part of the Citys COVID-19 response, you can pay or dispute most tickets, fines and penalties online or by mail. As part of the Citys COVID-19 response, you can pay or dispute most tickets, fines and penalties online or by mail. Heres What Time You Should Plan on Leaving, Great Again? /*
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