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Polar bears do not live in Antarctica. Q: Why did the polar bear swim across the river? Q: Why do bears have fur coats? Thank You, Jenny from Palm Beach Shores Florida United States. Great for kids, parents and teachers, these jokes about bears are going to get some great laughs. A: An ice breaker, Q: What has four legs and a flipper? To hear these total groaners! All Rights Reserved. A: No, but I've been shooting in my shorts! A: Because they cant catch it. Last Updated: Q: Did you hear about the man who tried to feed a grizzly an Apple? Q: What do you call a polar bear on thin ice? A: A gummy bear! A: With your BEAR hands. What do you get when you cross a bear with a garden? A: Brrrrrrrritos. Your email address will not be published. Q: What do you get when you cross a polar bear with a rose? A: Seal. A: By pressing the paws button, Q: How do you keep a polar bear from charging? A: A brrrrrrr. Q: How do you start a teddy bear race? All Rights Reserved. A: Winnie the PU! Q: What do you call a big snarling polar bear thats heading your way? Q: Why did Tigger look in the toilet? It was clearly an elephant. Plus youll get a fun bonus Halloween Lunch Box Jokes Printable (30+ Days of Jokes). Q: What animal do you look like when you take a shower? A: With your BEAR hands. Teddy Bear Joke - What did the Teddy Bear say when he was offered a piece of pie? Q: What did the polar bear have stuck in its teeth? A: What are YOU doing in this half of the world? A: Wherever you lost them. A: By putting it on stilts. A: Because they'd rather go to the cinema! Q: What kind of car does Yogi bear drive? Q: Why was the little bear so spoiled? A: A happy polar bear. Q: How do you catch a fish without a fishing rod? Q: What do you call a wet bear? "Not today, I need to spend some koalaty time with my family!". A: Bear hugs! A: Ice berg-ers! A: Because it was polar. Q: What to polar bears eat for lunch? This collection of bear jokes is one of the biggest youll find. Yet bears are made of the same dust as we, and breathe the same winds and drink of the same waters. Q: Why did the bear cross the road? A: Because it was polar. Q: What do you call a bear that changes his mind every couple of minutes? Q. Crunchy on the outside - with a nice chewy center!" A: Just the Bear necessities. A bear ask his mom:Mother are you sure that i m a polar bear and not some other kinde of bear ? Q: Polar bear cubs are born wet, naked, and in an icy cave. The likelihood of transmission is pretty serious. var currentTime = new Date() Q: What is a bears favorite drink? A: BEAR your heart and soul. A: Dont call it anything just run! Q: Whats considered a balanced diet for polar bears? Q: Why didn't the baby leave his momma? A: Because they would look silly in ski jackets. A: Meals on Wheels! A: A panda bear with a bad sunburn. Q: What is as big as a bear but weighs nothing? A: Because its mother panda'd to its every whim! Enter your email address to get the best tips and advice. (FYI: polar bears live in the North, penguins live in the South) Q: What did the polar bears say when they saw campers in (a lyre is a stringed instrument like a small harp). var year = currentTime.getFullYear() A: Slow Eskimos. Q: Have you ever hunted bear? Q: What's a balanced diet for a polar bear? A: Brrrrr-gers. A: Ice berg-ers! Q: What do you call a bears without ears? Q: What do polar bears like to eat during the summer? A: Clothes. Bear Joke Why dont Bears like Fast Food. Q: What has four legs and a flipper? Great for kids, parents and teachers, these jokes about bears are going to get some great laughs. So they each go into the woods, find a bear, and attempt to convert it. A: "Sandwiches!" Q: What kind of hugs do polar bears give? A: A polo bear! A: It depends on where you lost them. There are five nations with polar bears: U.S. (Alaska), Canada, Russia, Greenland (Kingdom of Denmark), and Norway (Svalbard). A: Ice-osceles triangle. A: Drizzly bears. Q: What do you call a bear that changes his mind every couple of minutes? A: A polar bear. Fun Bear Facts: Bears have a large brain and are one of the more intelligent mammals. Think! This was voted one of the best jokes of all time in a 2010 Readers Digest jokes contest: What religion are bears? A: Welcome to the zoo. Try our favorite llama puns. #1 for Parents and Teachers! A: They live on ice. A: brrrrr-gers, Q: Why did the polar bear swim across the river? Q: What did the polar bear put on the sign when seals were very scarce? Q: What was Yogi bear looking for in the picnic basket? Q: Where do you find polar bears? Q: Why are igloos round? Q: What do you get if you cross a teddy bear with a pig? A: Because they cant catch it, Q: What do you call a polar bear on thin ice? Q: How do you keep a polar bear from charging? 2020 Galvanized Media. Q: Why are polar bears so cheap to have as a pet? It's been temporarily removed from the platform. Q: When is a polar bear not a polar bear? Q: What do you call a big white bear with a hole in his middle? Q: What does Baloo the Bear pack for a trip? Q: What do you get if you cross a polar bear and a harp seal? Share this Joke! Q: What do you get when you cross a polar bear with a seal? Q: Whats black and white, black and white, and black and white? Q: What is it called when you dream that polar bears are chasing you? Facebook Twitter Pinterest Reddit Mix Tumblr Email. Q: Why did the sloth get fired from his job? Plus, I bearely even notice a difference!". Q: What do you call two polar bears jerking each other off? A: Because they'd look stupid in anoraks! Q: What snack do polar bears like to eat? I LOVE these things! Think!" A: B's Q: What did the Polar Bear say when it saw a seal on a bike? A: A polar bear. A: blue bear-y pie. I was in the local safari park, and it said bear left. A priest, a minister, and a rabbi want to see whos best at his job. A: A Flower gorilla and a ring bear. Q: What do polar bears sing on a birthday? A: A seal in each paw, Q: What did the polar bear eat after the dentist fixed its tooth? Q: What did the Polar Bear say when it saw a seal on a skateboard? Funny Bear Joke Bear and Sleeping Bag Even More Jokes and Laughs! A: It didn't bear fruit. Because its mother panda'd to its every need! A: A drizzly bear Q: What to polar bears eat for lunch? Q: Why would polar bears be cheap to keep as pets? In a honey trap. A: Anything you want because it cant hear you. A: It lives on ice! Q: What do polar bears like to have for lunch? A: An ice breaker. A: A seal in each paw! A: Coca-Koala. Never search for clean Halloween jokes again Download them now instead. Privacy Policy, submissons by: DiscoCanada, erroljamestampepe, superbubby, mariohay96, DailyComix, jo.basey, emilylorrainecrouch, shannontharusha, sexychocolatechip103, katarina, millehei000, emily.feliciano50, mchalcal, Joshuagreer, Eddiem56, et3422. Panda bears are herbivores and live almost entirely on bamboo while other bears eat mostly meat. Q: What do you get if you cross a dishonest polar bear and a harp seal? One day, they come across a golden frog who offers them three wishes each. A: They both have The as a middle name. Q: What do you get if you cross a grizzly bear and a harp?